Molecule Man

Molecule Man, is a series of aluminum sculptures, created by American artist Jonathan Borofsky. Installed in time for the summer Olympics, the sculpture is 32-feet high by 20-feet in diameter.

Mr. Borofsky says about the sculpture, “at the time I first conceived of this sculpture, I had been fascinated by the fact that the human body, though appearing quite solid, is mostly made up of water. In fact 97% of our body is made up of a water molecule which is ‘sea’ or salt water based, leading many scientists to hypothesize that the human species originated in the ocean.”


Winter Sun, Lilting Trees




Winter, sun

lilting trees

from my series: View from My Train Window

this segment photographed at dawn, sunrise, somewhere along the San Joaquin Valley, California.


After Katrina, Came Rita

While the ten year anniversary of hurricane Katrina has came and gone, little has been reported about the second  category five hurricane that hit just three weeks later – hurricane Rita washed ashore, impacting the already vulnerable states of  Louisiana and the rural, sparsely populated regions of Texas.

Web of Life

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A yarn bomb drapes the Millennium Gate Sculpture situated before the Santa Barbara County Arts Administration building in Santa Barbara, California. The sculpture created by artist Rich Peterson is an oval, egg shape, symbolizing a portal to a new era or millennium.

The spider web-like drape was knitted locally by a group of unidentified women in visual protest of county administration.

Measure P the Fracking Ban Initiative will come before voters this November.

Era today, gone tomorrow?

IMG_3681 IMG_3683Cycling along the beach today, I saw this scene of young women playing volleyball in their bonnets and long dresses. My hands had put on the brakes before I could think. I especially love the top image, it is almost painterly. The dresses speak of another era in the present. A bit of brain blip – from another era today, hopefully back tomorrow.
