2023 De Young Open

Snaps from the 2023 #deYoungOpen artist preview from yesterday, Tuesday, September 26, 2023. Pictured above (top left) is my photograph, designated as number 20 in the exhibit, titled What it Says, a Covid-19 slice of life. Above my photograph is a beautiful quilt depicting the American Sign Language alphabet.

The exhibit is five or six rooms of impressive art forms that will awe you and instill pride in the richness of expression, humanity, and creativity. Just so impressive! I am honored to have my photograph included.

Community open day is this Saturday, September 30, 2023. There will be live music, pop-up food trucks, and film screenings. Mark your calendar! For more information please visit here and https://deyoungopen2023.artcall.org/pages/web-gallery 

CAPTIONS (top, left to right) Participating artists only day! Overall view images of artists enjoying each others work, milling about. A colorful rainbow entry greets all entering The deYoung museum.

Vertical image: Alberto, intake curator gives me a smile and notes that my photograph is officially in his hands and catalogued as part of the 2023 deYoung Museum Open. I smiled right back. My photograph titled What it Says, a Covid19 slice-of-life was taken while walking on Market Street, during a shopping trip for essentials during the shelter-in-place order.

Next series are images viewed through the gallery app. Enter the image number in the search field to obtain the artist name, title, artist statement and description.

Images 052 and 053: The top image, number 52, Untitled: from the series of Racial Portraits by Mark I. Chester and below image number 53 titled: Happy: A Marin Homeless Encampment by David Santschi.

Image 793: Photograph titled Ghosts from the Past, by Yunfei Ren, selected for the 2023 deYoung Museum Open.

women’s rights are human rights

Thousands gathered at City Hall and at different points throughout the city of San Francisco in direct response to the current decision by the Supreme Court to overturn the fifty-year precedent known as Roe v. Wade.

If you need assistance, the TheĀ National Abortion Federation can help you find a provider in another state, arrange travel, and pay for your care: 1-800-772-9100. Follow them on twitter

Stay up-to-date at Reproductive Rights dot gov

Winter Sun, Lilting Trees




Winter, sun

lilting trees

from my series: View from My Train Window

this segment photographed at dawn,Ā sunrise, somewhere along the San Joaquin Valley, California.


Art Walk,Wild Art


Wild Art is a newspaper term that refers to found images that are unplanned, or unscheduled; a branch of street photography you might say. On this occasion I was on a walk with a friend, and noticed our shadows on the sidewalk.. Et VoilĆ , there you go, here we are!


I was looking over my photos today and rediscovered this image from Haiti. I had split from my group and decided to take my Holga for a walk when I came upon a group of mausoleums. I observed the reddish-brown demarcation on the mausoleum where the floodwaters had risen,…..when from nowhere this young boy, walked into the frame. I was relieved that I was not seeing an apparition. This relief was based on my sense of rawness – from that sense of bearing witness to collective thirst, hunger, and misery. When we had arrived with our supplies we were not rushed upon as people had grown too weak… this was compounded by an eerie sense of quietude – as all the animals had either died in the flood or eaten to survive.

Image Ā© AnaElisaFuentes/Archive

El Rey


Smoke from the Rey fire in Los Padres National Forest from the downtown vantage point in Santa Barbara, California.


Same photo withĀ  color correction and vignetting. Both photos taken with Apple iPod Touch.

Photos copyright Ana Elisa Fuentes

Portrait Sir Ben Kingsley


From my archiveĀ  – portraits of actor, Sir Ben Kingsley, taken in Santa Barbara, California. One of the many reasons I love photography is that I get to meet people from many different walks of life.

However, I must say that this portrait session was a memorable.

Not only was it an honor to photograph this genius of an actor, but he was/is also very genuine, honest, and kind. He is a spiritual man; after all he did portray the Mahatma, in the multi-award winning film Gandhi.


I’ve been working on my portfolio website, looking through thousands of images; butĀ  more importantly looking at them through different eyes – and different apps. The images posted on my blog were recorded on Kodak Black and White Tri-X film; which I developed myself, and color slide film. For the black and white image, I did a painless adjustment using Priime and instagram.

Words, pictures, images copyright Ana Elisa Fuentes