What It says Redux

Mark your calendars for a day celebrating community artistic expression at the de Young Museum in Golden Gate Park on September 30.  All Bay Area residents enter free. I’m so very happy to have my slice-of-life photograph, titled What it Says, wild art in the time of covid, included in the 2023 de Young Museum Open Call. The photograph taken  downtown on Market Street celebrates 50 years of Hip-Hop music and heralds San Francisco as a birthplace of music and musicians who have long called the city by the bay their home. The exhibition runs from 30 September till 7 January, 2024. Hope to see you there. 



“The Mediator Between the Head and the Hands Must Be the Heart.” Fritz Lang, Metropolis, 1927. Watch a glimpse of this UNESCO film treasure here.

El Rey


Smoke from the Rey fire in Los Padres National Forest from the downtown vantage point in Santa Barbara, California.


Same photo with  color correction and vignetting. Both photos taken with Apple iPod Touch.

Photos copyright Ana Elisa Fuentes

Era today, gone tomorrow?

IMG_3681 IMG_3683Cycling along the beach today, I saw this scene of young women playing volleyball in their bonnets and long dresses. My hands had put on the brakes before I could think. I especially love the top image, it is almost painterly. The dresses speak of another era in the present. A bit of brain blip – from another era today, hopefully back tomorrow.
